On this page I will be posting shipping information to help clear up any confusion. Shipping rates have increased MASSIVELY in the last 3-4 years, especially INTERNATIONAL shipping. In an effort to not under or over-charge I'm posting this data here.
This page is updated NOVEMBER 2019
Any boxes weighing OVER 3 POUNDS are automatically $60 to ship overseas. That's how the postal system makes it's rate cut-off. It's insane but that's the facts.
All packages ship from California U.S. As a firm rule, any box that is 3 lbs or more (no matter how small the box is) the postage is usually $65.00-$75.00 (with barely anything added on for the cost of the box and packing). As evidence of this, check this photo: It's a very smallish box but weights over 4 lbs.
Just shipped 2 angels to the U.K. The costs alone were over $80. Here's proof: (this is from 2016)
The heavier the box is over 3lbs the more they charge to ship it. For example, some boxes will end up costing $90-$120 if they are 6 lbs or heavier.
Also note that some countries only allow a maximum box size of 79" length/girth. This is not a very large box whatsoever (see photo above). Some items require 2 or three of these boxes to accomplish the shipping with each costing upwards of $90 to ship depending on what country you're in.
Even this very tiny box commands a pretty hefty postage minimum. I am NOT making this up =)
The same applies to very small padded envelopes. A multipass kit for example is nearly $13-$16 to ship overseas even though it's in a small padded envelope.
Shipping sample rates (2016)
HELMET KIT to U.K $67.00 (yes just a smallish box cost that much)
Queen kit to U.K. $78.00 (postage alone)
Multipass kit to U.K. $19.50 (postage alone)
Eagle 5 kit to U.K. $55 (postage lone)
Phone Home one to U.K. $66 (postage alone)
Audrey 2 (larger) to U.K. $55 (postage alone)
Life-sized robot figure to Australia, Sweden, requires three boxes because of the 79" box. Each box costs $145 (postage alone)
Lifesized robot kit to U.K. $125 (postage alone)
Helmet kit to South America $72.00
Folks, these are actual prices. I am not making this up. As much as I would like to offer free shipping, for some reason they keep asking me for money when I ship things at the post office. If you go to USPS.COM and enter the data you will see for yourself.
I'm more than happy to ship overseas but please understand I can't afford to lose money so I need to charge a rate that will actually cover the cost of shipment.