Wearable Conversion

With the right skill-set, determination and straight-out guts, it's entirely possible to turn a set of raw castings and shells into a wearable costume. Andy H. in the U.K. was the first to do so. He went all-out and installed pressure sensors that activate servo sound-fx in addition to light-up eyes. After he had the parts professionally metallized, he installed a mic. into the head that's connected to the controller board, so he looks, walks, and talks just like the character!!
This is one of the first fan-made of its kind done with this level of professional quality. Andy uses his suit for promotional events, and charity work with the U.K. 501st.
This is one of the first fan-made of its kind done with this level of professional quality. Andy uses his suit for promotional events, and charity work with the U.K. 501st.
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